The Science of Gratitude
An attitude of gratitude; means making it a habit to express thankfulness and appreciation in all parts of your life, on a regular basis, for both the big and small things alike.
Research from Harvard Medical School has proven that; ‘gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, enjoy good experiences, deal with adversity, build strong relationships, and improve their health’
A study at the University of Pennsylvania found that these were successful ways for boosting gratitude.
Start a gratitude journal - This is a personal space for you to write down 3 or more positive things that have happened to you and those who have helped you. There is power in words so write down all the little and big things that you are thankful for. Doing this simple writing exercise helps you to become better at recognizing the good in your life, which helps you feel more thankful more often. Writing in your journal everyday can increase your long-term happiness by 5%-15%
Acknowledge yourself for what you have done & accomplished - As human beings we are wired to think in a more negative way. Instead of comparing yourself to others, give yourself credit for the big and small things you have been doing! We forget to tell ourselves, Good job! Stand in front of your mirror and speak out five good things to yourself. It can be about your past achievements or your present efforts, your talents and your virtues. Just say the words aloud and notice if that makes you feel better. Repeat this as often as you want to.
Feel more positive Emotions Gratitude rewires our brain and kick starts the making of dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters in the brain that create feelings of happiness and contentment.
Enjoy good Experiences Evidence has shown that when we purposely express gratitude it boosts our self-esteem. Practicing gratitude also makes us more likely to share with others, even at the expense of ourselves, and even if the receiver was a stranger
Dealing with Adversity There is strong correlation between gratitude and resilience. Studies show that participants who practiced gratitude exercises recovered sooner and felt more motivated to bounce back from their challenges
Builds strong Relationships Showing our gratitude to loved ones is a great way to make them feel good, make us feel good, and make the relationship stronger. Similarly, expressing gratitude to our friends can improve our friendships by helping us to have a more positive feeling towards them
Improves health People who, before going to sleep at night, think of things they are grateful for sleep better than those who don’t. Gratitude reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety by reducing stress hormones and managing the nervous system
Showing how grateful you are for people in your life is the best way to show how much you love and care about them. The wonderful thing about showing gratitude is that it makes you feel happy.
Try some of these simple ways to show gratitude and notice how you feel.
Hand write a letter, note or card to someone who has made a difference in your life. Deliver it in person if you can!
Write down 3 things you appreciate about each of your family members
Make gratitude a family tradition - go around the dinner table taking turns saying one thing you are grateful for
Offer to help someone out with their day-to-day chores, feed the cat, take out the trash, do the washing up
Connect with those you love by giving them a hug to say thank you for being in my life
You can make someone’s day by smiling at them, whether it's a stranger or a friend, smiling is contagious so do your bit to spread happiness and gratitude in the world.
Hugs and smiles from Winnie the pooh spread happiness to Samantha and Gabrielle