Setting up

Start on your hands and knees in Tabletop position.


Touch your big toes together and widen your knees apart. Reach your arms out in front of you as you bring your hips back to meet your heels. Rest your forehead on the earth. Press your palms into the floor as a sign of gratitude to mother earth and all she provides for us. Now gently press your palms together to seal your offering of gratitude. 

  • When we do this pose and mudra together we are taking the time to honor and celebrate this moment, this day.

  • Do this pose when you are feeling frustrated or worried as it calms and quiets the body and mind.


  • Lotus seeds sprout in the dark, murky bottom of a pond and then the lotus flower grows upwards toward the light of the sun.

  • This breathwork is a great reminder to us that even when things in our life seem dark, there is beauty and grace within us and around us. 

  • Lotus Breath helps you to feel rooted and strong like the stem and roots of a lotus flower in water. 

  • Doing this breathwork calms your body and mind.

This pose created by our mentors and Teachers